China (Foshan)
Despite its rapid growth in civilization, China still maintains its famed and wonderful traditions. The preservation of inner discipline’, architectural monuments, nature and temples, for example, reflect the face of the Chinese nation.
From 7th-9th of June 2002 a dream came true! We conducted a trip to the International Centre of Martial Arts in China. The Centre is located in Foshan City (in the small province of Guangdong).
This is the homeland of Wing Chun.
Result of the trip:
V.V. Martynov was formally inducted as a member of the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic International Association’.
The Wing Chun Centre was officially established in 1921. It is located in a very beautiful park where the culture and ancient architecture hark back to their original states. Hundreds of people engage in martial arts at the Centre. Wing Chun is not the only activity on display there! A wide variety of Wushu forms, Tai Chi etc. may also be seen taking place.
The Russian Delegation was greeted by the following:
- Lyu Tsiguan, Main Instructor
Member of the Board of the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic (Tszin'u Athletic) Association’
Vice Head of the Yun Chun Quan Research Centre
- Lo Zhuntszo, Permanent member of the Board, Permanent Vice Head of the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association’
- Chzhan Tszekuy, a Judge of the Chinese Dragon and Tiger’ Association
An International Category’ Judge of the International Dragon and Tiger’ Association
Stage Director and Screenplay writer of various Yun Chun Quan educational films
Head of the Tsyaoyan film studio in Foshan
Lyu Paikhen, Instructor
- Yao Yuntsyan of the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association’
Vice Head of the Yun Chun Quan Research Centre
- Go Veitsin of the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association’
Secretary of the Yun Chun Quan Research Centre
- Gan Tszyakan, Vice Head of the Board and an Office Manager at the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association’
- Syao Kun, Journalist
- Kan Ge'u, Professor
Vice Head of the Traditional Wushu Committee of the International Wushu Federation:
- Chi Chzhu'e, Head of the Public Relations Department of the Dragon and Tiger’ Association in Foshan:
A member of the Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association’:
Photographs were on display for all the Masters to see, including one of the Russian Master, the only Russian Master depicted!
Masterships were approved and confirmed with the issue of relevant documents, e.g. a Certificate, student mark book and Master book.
Yan Kai San's branch (Yan is the younger brother of Te Kong) still exists in Foshan and continues in Guangdong, led by the Master Tsen Neng.
To show our respect and appreciation we visited the Foshan Master Gou Fu. He used to study with Yip Man and is now 89 years old. He cordially welcomed us and openly shared his experiences. His own school is the school where his son currently resides. In Guangdong, we met the Wing Chun Master Tsen Neng and expressed a desire to meet in Moscow to hold seminars.
Our trip continued on to Shaolin, that legendary name for all those engaged with or who have simply heard of martial arts. The Shaolin Temple's walls still reverberate with the spirit of battles with enemies, both internal and external. Friendship and collaboration may be empty words nowadays, but they still bring us back to eternal values.
Wing Chun’s History in Russia continues…
Hello, we are the Foshan Wing Chun Association. We hope you enjoyed your visit to us in June. We are glad to have got to know you all. Could you please send us a copy of your video recordings of the Foshan event? We would dearly like to learn more about your Association. Please could you send us more advertising materials etc about organization? We hope we will have the opportunity to visit you in Moscow for an exchange of experiences’ in Wing Chun study.
We wish you good health and success in everything.