Kung Fu, Part 4

Pressure points used in kicks

  1. IN-TRON – between the eye-brows
  2. SHOKU – the bridge of the nose
  3. TYAN-TIN – the carotid artery
  4. LYANTSUAN – the Adam’s apple, larynx, trachea
  5. TSUO – the lower part of the chest bone
  6. UZHONKOAN – the solar plexus
  7. SONLY – the elbow joint
  8. UZHANMEN – the anterior (free) end of the 11th rib
  9. TSZUYKOAN – in the pit of the stomach
  10. SHEMEN – the hypogastrium
  11. TSRIURON – the groin area
  12. KONSUN – the inner side of the foot
  13. FONFU – the back of the head, the base of the cerebellum
  14. VALAO – between the 1st and 2nd spinal vertebrae
  15. SHEN-CHZHU - between the 3rd and 4th spinal vertebrae
  16. SHEN-DAO - between the 5th and 6th spinal vertebrae
  17. UZHEIAN - between the 7th and 8th spinal vertebrae
  18. SHENLYU - between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae on both sides of the spine
  19. SUYANCHU - between the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae
  20. MINMEN - between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae
  21. LANEOAN - between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae


According to the above list of pain’ pressure points we can conclude that the vast majority of them are located on the back. Using the correct strike’ one may totally paralyse an opponent.

Now let us spend some time on the various commands used at the beginning or just after the end of classes. All of these form part of the classes’ rituals. Anyone studying Kung Fu should know them.

Without ritual, do not act. Without ritual, do not initiate action. Without ritual, do not move from your place.

  • DUISIN – meaning form up!’ or stand to attention’
  • CHZHANLI – this means stand still’ , stand in line’ (shun)
  • HINHAO – means hello’
  • HAO – this is a response to a greeting
  • CHAN-ZO – this is the meditation before training begins
  • TSIN-TSZO – the command to sit down’
  • TSILAY – the command to get up’
  • KAISHI – meaning begin’
  • SEN-SHEN – this is the term for teacher’
  • TSZAI-TSZYAN – meaning goodbye’
  • LANCI – this is a lesson’, training class’
  • LYUVEI – meaning end’

So the commands before the start of a class will sound like this:

“DUISIN, CHZHANLI”, commands the senior student. The teacher then stands in front of the line of students.

He then greets the students: “NINHAO.”

The students reply with “HAO”.

After the greetings one hears the commands: “CHANZO, TSIN TSZO.” At this point the students obey and sit down to begin meditation before the lesson.

After two to three minutes of meditation, the command “TSILAY” sounds and, upon the teacher’s signal, everybody jumps up from their places.

“LANSI KAISHI” commands now sound and the training begins.

Upon completion of training, the senior student commands “DUISIN CHZHANLIM.” At this point, everybody lines up and the teacher commands “TSZAI – TSZYAN, LANSI LUVEI.” The training has now ended.


TEU-GEN-DI – iron buffalo ploughing the soil

GAN-TSZIN-TSZUAN – diamond fist

FEI-MAI-TSZYAO – a foot flying like a feather

DA-TA-DAI – strikes on sand bags

DAI-TE-VA – wearing iron hoops

DA-MU-ZHEN – striking a wooden dummy

TE-GAN-TUI – a foot like an iron post

SE-TSZY-LOU-LU – scorpion edging along the road

PO-YIN-CHZHOU – an elbow breaking YIN substance

TUI-SHAN CHZHAN – a palm pushing a mountain

PE-CHZHU-GAN – striking a wooden pole

HEI-HU-TYAO-SHAN – a black tiger jumping over a mountain

MAO-CHZHAN – a breaking palm

FEN-CHZHAN – a windy palm

CHEN-CHZHUAN-CHZHAN – a palm breaking a brick

I-CHZHI-TSZIN – a finger as hard as metal

DUKI-KAO-HU - straddling a tiger standing on one foot


VAI-GU-AN – located on the back of the fist (a distance of 2 Ts’un above the wrist)

HOU-SI - located on the back of the fist (1 Ts’un above the wrist)

BAI-HUA – the top of the head

SHON-CHZHUN – the middle of the chest

TSZUI-CHUE – a point in line with the heart (6 Ts’un above the navel)

YUN-TSZU-AN – winding spluttering spring, located in the middle of the foot


TSUAN - fist

GOU – a hand, a hook

HU-CHZHAN – a hand, a tiger’s paw

LUN-CHZHAN – a hand, a dragon’s paw

IN-CHZHAN – a hand, an eagle’s claw

SHYAKU – a strike made from low down in an upward direction

TIN-CHZHU – a strike made by the elbow

TSA-TSUAN – a hand, a hammer

TSHYANEI-GUN – side strike using the fist

NYDAN – a block made using the inside of the hand

VEKO – a block by the outside of the hand

SAYAN – a downward block by the hand

YU – right side

TSZO – left side

YUTSZO-FEN-ZUN – kicks made by the right or left foot

LU-DA-GUN – a kick made by the back of the foot (donkey’s kick)

SHAN-TSZYAN – an upward block by the hand

LOUTO – sweeping block by the foot

SHISHIKO-DAN – knocking down by the foot in an inward direction

SHITSZYA-SHOU – crossed arms

HU-KOU – a hand, tiger’s jaws

UDAI-TUI – side kick by the foot

DEN-TUI – straight kick by the heel

TUI-CHZHAN – palm strike

CHUN-TSUAN – iron fist punch


BIMBU – the frontal stance

MABU – the horse rider stance

GNUNBU – the bow stance

SUIBU – the empty foot stance

PUBU – the low stance like a dragon

DULIMBU – the one foot stance

SEBU – the twisted stance (a monkey in the bushes)

GAIBU – the scissors stance

TSZYAN-CHA – the lengthwise split

HEN-CHA – the cross split

Now let us move on to the secrets of Chinese medicine. I would like to reveal the secrets of Chinese pills, the contents of which I shall divulge later. Chinese national medicine plays a huge role in China. It is mostly based on natural components and the human body channel system (meridians). The secrets of this medicine stem from the ancient roots of Eastern civilisation, as it is known to be the most ancient in the world. In the ancient East, the development of martial arts and medicine always went side by side. It is not possible to imagine one without the other.


We take: 120 grams of the herb polygonum multiflorum (boiled in wine), 120g of Chinese wolfberry, 120g of Chinese Dodder seeds, 120g of shiny privet fruits, 60g of Eastern black sesame seeds, 180g of Angelica, 240g of Common Foxglove roots, 120g of black Eclipta, 60g of ginseng, 60g of white flowered peony root, 60g of Celosia cristata seeds, 180g of Japanese Dioscorea (Wild Yam), 60g of Orchid Curculig, 60g of cardamom seeds, 60g of Dendrobium, 60g of goji berries and 30g of zest. Grind all of these into a powder. Then take the highest quality honey. Mould your power and honey into bullet-sized pills and cover them with wax. Dosage: take 1 to 2 pills twice daily washed down with cooled (boiled) water. They can be taken for many years. The pills help to fortify the liver and kidneys, to restore natural hair and face colour. As well as this they improve sight and hearing and strengthen teeth. Pork, butter and fat must not be eaten before taking pills. Nor should you eat raw meats, raw fish and spicy dishes.


Take 30g of Japanese Dioscorea, 30g of Songshan Ginseng, 120g of soya beans, 30g of Huan-chi Astragalus root, 120g of fresh Foxglove roots and 12 Chinese dates. Put everything, except the dates, into an earthenware pot and boil for 1 to 2 hours until only one cupful remains. Put the remaining liquid into a cup and add the dates. Apply dates 10 times a month. This is a very good remedy for those engaged in martial arts. It intensifies your energetic power and contributes to speedy body recovery when exercising intensively.

I will finish now with a few short notes about Eastern martial arts.

I would like to remind all those who intend to engage in martial arts: everything in the world is punishable and he who turns his knowledge to evil will be punished by higher powers which are constantly following our every step. The knowledge of martial arts came to us from the universe afar. It is with us to help us stay healthy and to protect us from evil and violence. If this knowledge is transformed into evil, then punishment comes instantly. So think to yourself what you need this knowledge for!